What's been blocking YOUR flow of money?

Get ready to bust through those pesky limitations with these powerful energy clearings and activations! 

During the 5 Day Money and Miracles Challenge you’ll experience profound shifts in the way you feel about money and you’ll be surprised by the discoveries you make along the way, regardless of how much work you’ve already done in this area.

Consider it a sacred online healing retreat where we’ll go deep to clear the 5 biggest obstacles to receiving money and miracles in your life.

You can participate anytime as you get to experience me supporting YOU with clearing through the 5 biggest obstacles to receiving the money and miracles you've been asking for.

Here’s a taste of what you’ll experience
during our 5 days...

  • Discover the 3 word Money Miracle Mantra that will instantly align you with the joy and abundance you desire.   That you deserve and always wanted.
  • Find out which of the 4 most common sabotaging money beliefs is zapping your money mojo and experience FREEDOM.  Have it release its grip on you. Once and for all!
  • Turn up your manifesting power with this simple, yet very effective method for instantly clearing your money crap and tapping into new flow of abundance.
  • Reclaim your ticket to freedom so you never have to deal with feeling unworthy, guilty or "not enough" when it comes to money ever again!
  • How to recognise the inner shitty committee and stop them from boycotting your juicy money goals so you can actually receive the increased flow of abundance you’ve been seeking.

You Also Receive  5 Potent Healing Activations

Meet Your Guide

Tina van Leuven Founder Uplifters Nation

Tina van Leuven

practical joy alchemist

I love helping my clients live a purpose-fuelled, prosperous, and JOY-filled life.  

I believe in walking my talk. When it comes to joyful living I live in trust with the universe, knowing I’m in the right place at the right time, (although my ego doesn’t always agree)! 

I’ll show you how to turn off your Inner Shitty Committee, unpack your hidden blocks to joy and abundance so you can align with your soul path and confidently express your divine essence. 

With 35+ years experience of powerful energy healing from around the world, all my programs are jam-packed with practical tools and resources and a generous sprinkling of my out-of-the-box coaching style.

Ready to join me?
